Tapestry Collection by Hilton arrives in Italy: the Hotel Cosmopolita in Rome

27 July 2022 - Andrea Barbieri Carones

Tapestry Collection by Hilton, hotel brand dedicated to originality, arrives in Italy, until now present only in Madrid and Paris. Today also in the center of Rome. And it comes with the Cosmopolita Hotel, a structure that at full capacity will have 76 rooms, a few steps from the Colosseum, Piazza Venezia and the Trevi Fountain.
The property is owned by G&W Invest and has a rooftop terrace, where guests can enjoy breakfast surrounded by the rooftops of Rome.
«We are committed to offering an authentic stay and experience», explains Walter Pecoraro, owner and CEO of G&W Invest. «With the strength of the Hilton brand, we will have the opportunity to bring our professionalism and style of hospitality to even higher levels»

Tapestry Collection by Hilton
Indeed, the hotel is a boutique hotel with the best location a guest could wish for. But not only: it is also one of the historic buildings of the city, Palazzo Capranica del Grillo. The interiors, completely renovated, were designed by the firm of gas architecture, winner of the Mipim Award 2022 for the "Best Hotel & Tourism Resort".
The design team focused on historical architectural elements (shallow vaults, arched openings). He chose light colours to rationalise circulation elements and environments, thus maximising the use of natural light», argues André Straja, founder and creative director of Gas Studio. But it’s not just location that’s the highlight of the Tapestry Collection by Hilton. The plus is also given by the advantages of booking systems and chain loyalty program.

Walter Pecoraro - manager and entrepreneur with decades of experience in the hotel industry - does not hide that the group is ready to grow.
My brother and I have been partners in this adventure with G&W since 2000. An adventure that began much earlier with the family hotel in Rome and has now brought us here. Of course, you never pull the plug, but it’s worth it».
The professional explains that the company cooperates with important franchisors.
«We are looking at central structures in Milan and Rome. For now I can not say more». Also because now, 3 weeks after the opening of the Cosmopolitan, the focus is on the renovation of the remaining rooms (for now they are open 45) and the commissioning of the hotel.

Cosmopolita Hotel to raise the quality of hospitality in Rome
But what does it mean to have Hilton behind you for the Hotel Cosmopolita?
First of all I want to say that Hotel Cosmopolita is a project that was born before Covid-19. Wanted to overcome the competition of that multitude of short rentals that altered the turnover of regular hotels, lowering them by almost 20%. The only way to get out of this downward massification was to restructure it, elevate the product and relaunch it on the market. Now I can say with satisfaction that openness - albeit partial - exceeds expectations».
He continues: Tapestry will be a great success in Italian hospitality and will grow a lot especially in Europe. Being in the booking business Hilton puts you in touch with the world. Not to mention that it is an important challenge, since the company periodically comes to check that the parameters are respected. And quality controls go into detail».