Secrets of Rome: A journey through nature and beauty, from the botanical garden to the flower parks

Rome stands out globally also for its green oasis, where nature is expressed in all its splendor. Below, we present the extraordinary places of Rome, where lush vegetation and rare plants transform the city into an enchanting garden.

The Botanical garden in Rome
The Botanical Garden, located in the heart of the historic district of Trastevere in Rome, is one of the largest green lungs of the city. Its history dates back to the sixteenth century, when Pope Alexander VI started the work, later enlarged by Pope Pius IV, who entrusted its custody to a guardian to preserve it from theft and unauthorized intrusion. This precious treasure of Rome covers an area of over 12 hectares of land.
Inside the Botanical Garden there is an extraordinary collection of over 3000 species of plants and flowers, an attraction for almost 250 annual guided tours, also attended by school students. The main mission of the Botanical Garden is teaching and scientific research, offering courses in environmental education for students of all ages.
Visitors who venture through the avenues of the Botanical Garden of Rome can admire a wide range of plants, including palm trees, aquatic plants and the renowned Aroma Garden, which houses numerous species of aromatic plants also used in the kitchen. In addition, the greenhouses have a rich collection of succulent plants, while the groves have several species of ferns and various types of bamboo.
Inside the Botanical Garden of Rome, visitors can explore the Bosco Romano, which houses centuries-old trees such as plane trees and holm oaks, some of which have reached the incredible age of 400 years. There is also a grove of redwoods directly from California. Finally, among the most popular attractions, there are the Rose Garden and the Japanese Garden.

The Rose garden and the Japanese garden in Rome
The Rose Garden and the Japanese Garden are essential components of the Botanical Garden of Rome, both offering unique experiences. The Roseto extends over an area of about 10,000 square meters, which winds on a gentle slope. Inside this space there are 1100 varieties of roses, divided between botanical, ancient and modern roses. This area was initially part of the cemetery of the Jewish community of Rome, with the Tables of the Laws of Moses still visible today at the two main entrances, testifying to its past.
In 1951, the cemetery was relocated, and the Rose Garden found its present location. Although it was originally renowned for its botanical and ancient roses, starting in the 19th century, it began to experiment with hybridization with Chinese roses, giving rise to the section of modern roses, today one of the main attractions of the area. Newly created roses are initially placed in the section of new roses and, after two years, are transferred to the area of modern roses.
The Japanese Garden, however, was designed by architect Ken Nakajima, known for having created a similar garden at the Institute of Japanese Culture in Rome. This garden faithfully represents the ancient Japanese tradition and is a green oasis enriched with streams, waterfalls and ponds. In the middle of the garden is a structure called the pagoda, a typical Japanese construction. What makes this garden unique is the fact that, while retaining a typical Japanese look, it is populated exclusively by native plant species, respecting the surrounding environment without invading it.

The Florida parks in Rome
Rome boasts a variety of green spaces that are reflected in the beauty of the spring season. The Botanical Garden with its Rose Garden and the Japanese Garden are only a part of this natural wealth. Among the green gems of the city, undoubtedly stands out Villa Borghese, the most famous of the Roman parks. This vast park open to the public follows the typically English style, and inside there are several areas, each characterized by rich and diverse vegetation. It is famous for its large navigable lake and the green and flowery meadows, ideal for picnics much appreciated by locals and visitors.
Another green area of great interest is Villa Doria Pamphilj, located near the Prati district. In addition to being a large urban green lung, Villa Doria Pamphilj also houses an intriguing floral labyrinth, which is a great attraction for people of all ages.
In the Appio district, the Caffarella Park offers not only a green place to relax and take pleasant walks, but also the remains of an ancient Roman aqueduct, adding a touch of history to the landscape.
Villa Torlonia, in the Nomentano district, is a charming example of an Art Nouveau park, with interesting architectural buildings such as the Medieval Villa and the Casa delle Civette that recall this artistic style.
Finally, Villa Ada, in the Salario district, is so vast that it hosts a variety of areas, each created in different eras. Here, you can explore forests, Italian gardens and an enchanting lake populated by fish, ducks and swans, making this natural oasis an ideal place to spend time in the midst of the beauty of nature.

Where to stay in Rome to discover the green areas
For an even more intense contact with the nature of Rome it is advisable to choose a logistical accommodation that allows you to reach the most interesting places in a short time and with little stress. Surely a suitable tourist structure can be the Cosmopolitan Hotel located right in the heart of Rome. For a more immersive experience in the nature of Rome, it is advisable to opt for a strategic accommodation that allows easy access to places of interest without stress. A great alternative to consider are the apartments Rome with view. These apartments offer the possibility to enjoy the comforts of a tourist accommodation while you are in one of the most fascinating areas of the city.
By choosing to stay in the apartments Rome with view, you will have the opportunity to quickly reach the Botanical Garden, the Rose Garden and other flower parks using various means of transport available.
Rome with view apartments staff are always available to provide detailed information on accommodation options, their availability and rates for your stay.

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